Keshipedia - Takeshi's Castle Wiki

There is a board at the end of a long platform. The contestant has to run up and jump on the board to slide along the runway.

The aim is to end up with the majority of the board in the goal area, which is right at the end of the runway. If the contestant pushes off too hard they'll slide straight off the end, into the water below. If they don't push off hard enough they won't reach the goal, will come up short, and will get pushed off into the water by a lurking guard.

This game is probably infamous for fans of the show due to the level of cheating involved during most playings. The rules should be stay on the board until it stops, but contestants do many things like sliding, standing up, the list is endless.


In the Couples' and Family version of the game, one contestant lays on the boat and their partner pushes it down the runway, just like Pushy Parents in the original Japanese version.

In Episodes 55 & 57, the runway is covered in oil, making the board slip further.

In Episode 63, the size of the goal area is reduced.

In Episode 65, a balloon is fixed before the goal. It must be burst to pass it.

